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Mexican Catrina's

Here are some large Dia de los Muertos, 
Day of the Dead
Aren't they fun!
We really enjoyed learning about the culture there.
During the celebration of Dia de los Muertos
families gather around grave sites, they have lots of food,
especially something their loved one enjoyed,
Lot's of beer, and lively music.
They celebrate the life of the person who passed.
They laugh and dance, tell stories, and cry.
This sometimes goes on All Day!
Sound Fun??

Short and Sweet

I sculpted this little guy for Jodie,
she collects elephants
I had her name in our Secret Santa at the antique shop,
where I rent a booth.

 Please forgive me for not posting, it's not like I haven't been creating,
I've been steadily creating....I just hate to stop, get out my camera,
set up the light box, etc
Actually, I don't mind just getting out my little point and shoot camera, and taking a photo.    But, when I think of posting...I get weird about it.
I think of all the beautiful blogs I follow, and feel, well, intimidated,  not that I think my art is not up to snuff, it's just...well... uhhhmmmm, wait for it...
I really don't like blogging,  There, I said it!
I have had a blog for over 2 years,
 It has been a struggle the whole time.
Any suggestions on how I can share my art without having to Say Anything?
Are there any new sites out there, that I probably haven't heard about?


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