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Short and Sweet

I sculpted this little guy for Jodie,
she collects elephants
I had her name in our Secret Santa at the antique shop,
where I rent a booth.

 Please forgive me for not posting, it's not like I haven't been creating,
I've been steadily creating....I just hate to stop, get out my camera,
set up the light box, etc
Actually, I don't mind just getting out my little point and shoot camera, and taking a photo.    But, when I think of posting...I get weird about it.
I think of all the beautiful blogs I follow, and feel, well, intimidated,  not that I think my art is not up to snuff, it's just...well... uhhhmmmm, wait for it...
I really don't like blogging,  There, I said it!
I have had a blog for over 2 years,
 It has been a struggle the whole time.
Any suggestions on how I can share my art without having to Say Anything?
Are there any new sites out there, that I probably haven't heard about?


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