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Winter Wonderland

Here is a little woodland scene filled with frostiness.
It looks as if a fairy might appear at any moment,
although there are none here now.
But wait, do I see something in the ghostly
dandelion seed head??
No, false alarm...maybe they are all fast asleep
tucked under a warm tree root until springtime...


Unknown said...

I am trying to get comfortable with all the winter images. this one does sit for me . But the magic in the frost .Thanks for your insightful feed back on my blog post and comment feed about out prospective move to michigan . We weighed the pros and cons and the pros won it was the rent for $450 on an artist salary that weighed in heavy and the SPACE to create verses 1200 . Hubby has not had full time work for almost 2 years . So we are moving in the spring .I will have a whole summer to prep myself for the winter water wonderland state.

Unknown said...

Hello there! We met at the Joanns store in Min yesterday!! I found you and am checking you out, :) Love your blog. :)


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