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I'm Dancing on SunShine

Looky Looky Looky .........What I won!

I'm Am sooo Excited!
http://LadyButterbug.com and her husband
generously granted  this Most Awesome Give Away
I've never won a Give Away before,
and I hit the Jack Pot baby.
This is Anne Salone's most famous
Chalk Paint that the whole land of Blog
is on fire for!  
I went to http://LadyButterBug.com
The Chalk Paint colors are dreamy, 
French Inspired, No Sanding, No priming!
 so ordered a color chart,
cause I couldn't decide which colors I wanted to order

 Then, Miss Mustard Seed,
of http://MustardSeedInteriors.com
hosted a blog give away, and I won!
Below is a photo
of Miss Mustard Seeds beautiful
buffet, she finished using Chalk Paint. 
If you haven't visited her blog yet,
it is a Must Follow Blog, she's so very talented.

Isn't this buffet just beautiful, I just love
distressed white and the blue drawers,
the hardware is perfect, and the darker top
Be Still My Heart!

I still love Caromal Colours of course,
I have room in my heart for two loves!

Be sure to check back to see what I paint
with my new love, Anne Salone's Chalk Paint.


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Unknown said...

I'm so bummed, I thought by adding http:// before these fab blogs and web sites name, you'd be able to click on them, and through the magic of space signals, you'd be able to visit their sites from here.
If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong...please let me know how to do that!

Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

Lucky you! I want to try it but it's so expensive!!!


Anonymous said...

You're so lucky. Love your blog. I haven't blogged for awhile but I'm planning to get back to it very soon.

congrats again girly!!

jenclair said...

Lucky, lucky you! Congrats!


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