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My Personal Blog Declaration

For the first time, I've finally written a post on a Monday.  Yeah !  It's not that I don't have the time like so many of you raising a family. I have the time. I'm one of those bloggers who don't know what to write about.  But- in all actuality,
I've read somewhere, amongst the many blogs I follow, that I  should keep to the theme of doll making.I guess, that way, I will attract those interested in my dolls.

But, I have also read, to be authentic.  This I believe in strongly.  Probably around age 35, I finally progressed to the point in my life journey that I became comfortable, authentically comfortable, accepting and truthfully, really liking who I was.  No longer was that inner critic evaluating everything I did, said, or thought.  It is a really good place to be.

So why have I been so "afraid" "intimidated" to blog. And even felt small and insignificant.
 I have built blogland to be THE ALL _ END ALL_   (In my head)
I know it sounds ridiculous, It Is ridiculous.

So, today, I am declaring, this is my personal blog. I will share a lot here.
And, secondly, share my new ladies with you.

I have been busy making, Little Ladies"  I love ball jointed dolls. I have one. I don't have any desire right now to create one at this present time. I've been around long enough to never say "never".
I've been proven wrong too many times.
Like before I had children- I said".Well. my kids will never act like that"  I had to eat those words, many times over.
                                           Protected from the cat
                                               by the "kitchen mug brigade"
                                          So here is my first little lady.
                                        She is a darling little one
                                           AWE, sweet little bunny friend.
                                                     I just love her.

"I will just look the other way, she'll think I'm not interested"                                                  

Enhanced by Zemanta


Ragamuffin Gal said...

Hello ~
I'm here ~ I get you ~ and I adore your dolls!
I returned to "arting" after a long sabbatical and began by creating and designing dolls. Although they were created with paper and fabrics I appreciate the process so much. I am going to add you to my "Blogs to Adore" list because I do adore your blog and your style.
Blessings ~ Katie
Thanks for visiting me~ I would love to send you some mail love (my pay it forward post) so email me with your address. <3

Daryle and Katie... kindred spirits said...

Jan... Oh I've been away too long; the "new" look on the blog is terrific. Your blog "declaration" is great! Daryle

julieann said...

I love your doll. Are you selling dolls? Im asking and I did not even check to see if you sell on etsy. She is sooo cute. My daughter collects dolls and loves bunnies. And she is a blonde..

Heather H. said...

OHHHH I love her. Thanks for sharing she makes me smile!!!!!

Jingle said...

Your little doll is so cute! I am with you on the BJD's. I like them, just not interested in making them. Fantastic declaration! I look forward to your upcoming posts!

Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

Hello sweet girl!!

It is YOUR blog, you blog about what you want to!

When I first started out my blog was Sassy Mini Dolls where I intended to only chat about my dolls, well, LOL, you can now see by my header it is my musings where I chat and share whatever comes to mind!!

It seems my dollmaking has taken a backseat, sort of lost my mojo, I need to get it BACK!!!!

I love your little ladies and Cash too!!


Dawn in the Forest said...

Your "little lady" is fantastic! She has such a sweet little face:)

roadtrip*treasures said...

Your cat is beautiful! Yes, its great to be happy with who you are. I always say if you can go somewhere all by yourself and have fun you love who you are and will always have your best friend along.


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